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5-Year Mark on Breast Cancer! 祝・癌宣告から5年
yoko katz May 19, 2019

5-Year Mark on Breast Cancer! 祝・癌宣告から5年

Today, I marked 5-year since my breast cancer diagnosis! Amazing! (日本語は後に)

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4th Year Anniversary of My Breast Cancer Diagnosis 宣告から4年目
yoko katz May 19, 2018

4th Year Anniversary of My Breast Cancer Diagnosis 宣告から4年目

Today is my 4th year anniversary of my breast cancer diagnosis.  For how many more years, will I remember that day so vividly?  Probably for awhile!

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A Healthier New Year!
yoko katz January 4, 2018

A Healthier New Year!

A Healthier New Year 2018, to you! (日本語は英語の後にあります。)

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Am I "Healthy" after Cancer? 癌治療後の私は「健康」なの?
yoko katz October 12, 2017

Am I "Healthy" after Cancer? 癌治療後の私は「健康」なの?

I had to think twice before I answered, "I am healthy today," 3 years after my breast cancer diagnosis.  Have you thought about what it means to be "being healthy?"  New definition is needed, let's think about that. 日本語は英語の後にあるよ

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Recovering Well.  順調なリカバリー
yoko katz August 29, 2017

Recovering Well.  順調なリカバリー

My uterus fibroid removal surgery on last Wednesday, August 23, 2017, it went well and I am recovering.

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MRI and Pre-Surgery Test  MRIと術前検査
yoko katz August 18, 2017

MRI and Pre-Surgery Test  MRIと術前検査

I had MRI and a pre-surgery test done today.  This to confirm that I don't have any other concerns and the fibroid is fibroid and nothing else before surgery.

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Surgery is coming up. 手術決定。
yoko katz August 16, 2017

Surgery is coming up. 手術決定。

I decided to have a fibroid removal surgery.  It is coming up next week, Wednesday, 8/23, 2017.

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Possible Surgery for Fibroid Removal 子宮筋腫を取り除く手術かも
yoko katz August 11, 2017

Possible Surgery for Fibroid Removal 子宮筋腫を取り除く手術かも

This summer in June, I had my regular oncologist visit at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NYC.  There is no sign of cancer so far and that was good.  But my fibroid is getting so big that the oncologist requested me to test and check with specialists.  Over this summer, I have seen some specialists and it looks like I will have a surgery to remove it. My GYN said my fibroid is as big as a grapefruit, or my utrus with the tumor is about 4 month pregnant size. (The top picture, the hat I made, Hats by Yoko Katz, became a matching set to the hospital gown. LOL.)

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Tamoxifen, Leg Cramps→Magnesium  タモキシフェン、こむら返り→マグネシウム
yoko katz January 23, 2017

Tamoxifen, Leg Cramps→Magnesium タモキシフェン、こむら返り→マグネシウム

I have been on Tamoxifen medication for breast cancer, since November 2014, that is for 2 years and 2 months.  I am supposed to take this for at least 5 years and possibly 10 years.  I had been suffering from severe leg cramps, but having magnesium supplements gave me peaceful sleep!!!  If you suffer from cramps like me, try magnesium supplement!!!!! (Ask your doctor, if you can take it.)  

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My Weight Again after Chemo 抗がん剤後の体重増加の私
yoko katz December 8, 2016

My Weight Again after Chemo 抗がん剤後の体重増加の私

I somehow gained weight about 15 lb more than the most stable weight for many years before cancer.  Recently, I had an opportunity to talk to other survivors of my age.  All three of us discovered that each individual gained about 15 lb.  We are all about 2 years after our last chemo.

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