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4th Chemo Day

yoko katz October 8, 2014 4 comments

I will be checking in for the chemotherapy in the morning.  I will update when I can for a while.  I have taken the steroid medication as instructed so far.  I have been taking a lot of liquid.  It should do good.



  1. Michiyo


  2. AA

    Hi Yoko, I hope your 4th round goes well. It’s been good to be able to read your updates here. Colored hair looks really cool. But turban… hmm :). Glad you parents are able to join your family and help out. Keep strong. Ciao.

    • Hi AA!
      Thank you for checking me out. Turban style was not your favorite!? I found it was brilliant. I don’t think many people saw me on streets did not think my turban style as to hide my baldness from chemotherapy. I hope many thought that was a part of my fashion styling.