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After Surgery, Back to Work! 術後、お仕事復活
yoko katz September 11, 2017

After Surgery, Back to Work! 術後、お仕事復活

After 2 weeks of the recovery time, I went back to work.  During these recovery days, I had basically no social life, no make-up and no hair-do.  Some friends pop-up to check up on me, and that cheered me up!  But otherwise, I was getting a low self-esteem over time.  So, dressing up brought back my good energy!  I really needed that effect from the styling.  

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Recovering Well.  順調なリカバリー
yoko katz August 29, 2017

Recovering Well.  順調なリカバリー

My uterus fibroid removal surgery on last Wednesday, August 23, 2017, it went well and I am recovering.

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MRI and Pre-Surgery Test  MRIと術前検査
yoko katz August 18, 2017

MRI and Pre-Surgery Test  MRIと術前検査

I had MRI and a pre-surgery test done today.  This to confirm that I don't have any other concerns and the fibroid is fibroid and nothing else before surgery.

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Surgery is coming up. 手術決定。
yoko katz August 16, 2017

Surgery is coming up. 手術決定。

I decided to have a fibroid removal surgery.  It is coming up next week, Wednesday, 8/23, 2017.

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After Chemo, Tamoxifen and Periods  抗がん剤治療後の タモキシフェン口径薬と生理
yoko katz July 12, 2016

After Chemo, Tamoxifen and Periods  抗がん剤治療後の タモキシフェン口径薬と生理

My periods have changed to horribly heavy periods after chemotherapy and being on Tamoxifen medication for breast cancer.  

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