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NED, the 4th one.  ペットスキャンで確認できる癌は無し 4回目!
Yoko Katz July 12, 2022

NED, the 4th one. ペットスキャンで確認できる癌は無し 4回目!

My latest PET Scan came out “clean”: NED, non-evidence of disease!  Yay! As there…

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8th Cancerversary 宣告から8年目
Yoko Katz May 24, 2022

8th Cancerversary 宣告から8年目

I have marked my 8th cancerversary this year.  (日本語は英語の後で) “WOW, 8 years.” A lot…

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7th Cancerversary 宣告から7年目
Yoko Katz June 2, 2021

7th Cancerversary 宣告から7年目

I counted my 7th year cancer anniversary recently since my 1st diagnosis in 2014….

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JP Only Seminar Event. 4/18(日)NY乳がんのセミナーで登壇
Yoko Katz April 7, 2021

JP Only Seminar Event. 4/18(日)NY乳がんのセミナーで登壇

April 18, 2021:  Japanese Language Only Event It is relatively a closed community that…

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