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Children’s Books of Breast Cancer Mom (Day17)

yoko katz October 4, 2014 2 comments

While I go through these series of treatments for extended period, family members are also adjusting to me.  Books are great resources to introduce children what to expect to happen to their mother during the treatments.  I have the above three books at home.

Sammy’s Mommy Has Cancer

This is a great book for very young children.  I recommend if your child is up to the 1st grader.  The main character boy is probably a preschooler.
When Mama Wore A Hat

The siblings in the book participate cutting mommy’s hair (just like I asked my son to participate).  It can be read to 1st graders to 4 or 5th graders.  They worry about their mom looks sick due to chemo, but mom explains to the kids that there are reasons to go through the treatments.  At the end, she gets back to normal and her hair comes back again.


The last one is Kemo Shark, which is my favorite.

Unusual from other contents where sharks are bad character, this shark is actually the one that eats up cancer cells on mommy’s body.  A hero shark!  This book is published by a non-profit organization and you can download it for free at Kemo Shark.  Some medical institution may carry them for patients with small children.  This is a great book for a parent to read to a child, or a child can read it themselves.  My son, 3rd grader, did not take much of his time to finish reading.

I don’t have the following books, but those are also good resources that I came across while browsing Amazon:


アメリカで、乳がんになった母を持つ 子供の話が絵本になっている。母親が乳がんを治療期間中、影響を受けるのは 母親だけでなく、ハズバンドも そして 子供にも影響が出る。子供の気持ちのケアも大切にしたいものである。日本にも 絵本があるのかなと調べてみたら、こんなものが見つかった。ひとつは 英語で出版されているものが翻訳されている。私は この2冊は読む機会がないままですが、参考までにご紹介。




おかあさん だいじょうぶ?


[体調] まずまず。食欲 とまらない!

[心理] 動ける時間が迫っていると あせっている。


  1. Michiyo


    • Michiyo
      本で他の子供も 同じような環境の子が気持ちを代弁していて、なかなか 良かったよ。